Tuesday, April 15, 2014

They are definitely here!!

    We are having such a great run this year!  Let's keep our fingers crossed that it continues! All of the counters have been great and the fish look healthy and big!  
Fish in the run
Taken by Rhonda Lockwood

Comparison Chart from 2012-2014
     So, I put together a chart that shows how very different the runs are from year to year.  You can just never tell how it's going to go.  The weather is such a determining factor in how many fish come up the river and when they make their long trek.  If you remember, 2012 was a banner year for us.  The run started really early because we had such a glorious spring!  But, then we took a little 2 week vacation because the weather turned so cold.  When the fish did come back, they came back with a vengeance.
    In 2013, we had a very slow start but it built up to a great run in about 3 weeks.  This year, the fish have come in big numbers right from the start.  So, it's going to be interesting to see what develops this year.  The weather is supposed to get cold this week and I even heard rumors of snow on Wednesday!!  Keep your fingers crossed and Happy Counting!!
    We do have quite a few empty counting slots beginning this weekend, so look over the schedule and see if you can fill any of them in.

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