Friday, February 7, 2014

Another year is starting!!

A new training session at Liberty Hall is announced for the 2014 Marstons Mills River Herring Count Project!

If you have always wanted to be a herring counter, or wondered what exactly it is that a herring counter does, or if you've counted in the past and would like to sign up for another year, then here is your chance!!
We will be holding another herring count training session on:
Saturday, March 8, 2014
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Liberty Hall
2150 Main Street, Marstons Mills
(next door to the Marstons Mills Public Library)

This year we are thrilled to have Elliott Carr attending and he will give a short presentation on his new book:

Herring Run: Life and Death at Stony Brook

He will also have a book signing and the book will be available for sale.

So please attend and bring your friends, and volunteer for this wonderful opportunity!

Liberty Hall would also like you to know that it is available for rent for any of your functions.  If you'd like more information, please contact:

Charlie Thifault

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