Every time we think the run is finally dropping off, we have another flurry of big counts! With tonight's cooler weather, we may start slow tomorrow, but it seems like every sunny day has great numbers.
The main question we're now getting as we continue to schedule counters is - "How long will this run last?" If only we could answer that question - and others like "Is this the beginning of a revival of the river herring?" It's only through the efforts of people like the dedicated counters supporting this run, and other herring runs around the state (and Northeast) that will help to answer these questions.
Our main source of information re run lengths, etc continues to be the Year to Year comparison sheet. The latest a run started since we started keeping these records from 2006, was an April 20th start. This run ran for 28 days. The longest previous run we've logged was 37 days in 2008. We're wrapping up the count for Day 38 - even if you discount the 10 days we took off, it's still a significant run length, and is breaking all the cumulative run records each day. In all the previous years, the count dropped off to double digits for several days, and then single digits. We're still recording triple digit days EVERY DAY, so it may go on for a few more weeks - who knows?
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