Wednesday, March 30, 2016

They're Here!!

The fish have arrived!!  Amy Croteau from the Department of Natural Resources has confirmed that they've seen fish in the run. So they went and removed the boards up at the Middle Pond flume and the fish now have a nice flow of water going through. Now is your chance to sign up to count! Look at the schedule and decide when you're available to count. Send us an email and we'll put you on the schedule.


 Our email is:

Thanks so much for everyone who has signed up to help!  And if you have any friends who would like to get involved, it's never too late!!

Friday, March 25, 2016

It's Almost Time!!!

We had a great turn-out for the herring training meeting last Saturday.  Thank you to everyone who attended.  Scott Horsley gave a great presentation about the Mill Pond restoration plans and Amy Croteau was very informative about the various active and potential herring runs in town. Just remember, it's not too late to volunteer.  Just shoot an email to

Amy Croteau from Barnstable Natural Resources

A look at the plans to restore the flume into Middle Pond

Scott Horsley explains Mill Pond restoration efforts